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It is important to be able to recognise the signs of ongoing stress in yourself and then take some action to reduce that stress.
We all experience stress at various points in our lives – before exams at school, moving house, before a sporting event, deadlines and presentations, tricky relationships – and a small amount of stress can actually be a good thing.
Stress can energise and focus you, raise performance, and make you feel raring to go! However, too much stress – especially if it goes unchecked over time – can be extremely debilitating and lead to further health issues, such as anxiety, depression, high blood pressure and stomach complaints, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
As such, it is important to be able to recognise the signs of ongoing stress in yourself and then take some action to reduce that stress.
If you have a position of responsibility at work, it’s equally important that you can recognise the signs of stress in others and know how to help them.
This copy was kindly written by Kate Wright & Sam Duffy, Performance Coaches and HR/L&D Consultants.
The symptoms of stress can vary from person to person, but common symptoms could include:
Physical signs could be:
If you are experiencing any of the physical signs of stress, then your first action should be to seek medical advice from your GP as soon as possible.
Identify what causes you to feel stressed and what helps you to reduce your stress levels. A professional coach can help you work through this, as can keeping a diary of ‘stress triggers’ and stress releases.
With good friends and colleagues, or support services offered by charities like Mind, to help to combat loneliness and give yourself a boost.
Do speak to someone at work and ask for help. Most employers will want to work with you to help you feel better. Working with your employer to adjust your role or workplace (such as reducing your workload or enabling you to work flexibly) is usually the quickest and most effective way to reduce stress.
Experiment with different coping mechanisms as soon as you feel your stress levels rising. Different techniques work for different people, but examples that are proven to help reduce stress levels include:
Simply working longer and longer hours ‘to get things done’ is not a productive work approach and one that will only contribute to your stress levels. Instead, get some help with how you manage and balance your workload.
Keeping a log of how you spend your time at work can be very revealing about how much of your time is spent dealing with unimportant distractions, putting things off or doing work that you could be delegating to someone else.
You might also find that you spend a disproportionate amount of time dealing with urgent work, such as crisis management and urgent deadlines.
By prioritising time for activities that are important, but not urgent, such as planning and developing strategy, you should find that the number of urgent tasks drastically reduces – and so does your stress.
By eating well, exercising regularly, finding time to do activities you really enjoy and getting enough good quality sleep.
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